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Pathology All-Day meeting

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This meeting is being held FACE TO FACE.  Registration Fees apply for Non-Members of the Manchester Medical Society – Medical/Health related Undergraduate Students can attend for free by emailing from their student email account to All attendees MUST register in advance.

The academic day is aimed at Pathologists (Consultants and trainees), service users, members of other sections of MMS and medical students. 

Morning Session:

Chaired by Dr Luisa Motta & Professor Anne-Marie Kelly

9.30-10.00 am - Coffee and Registration

10.00-10.30 am 

Visual literacy and dermatology

Dr Liezel Griffin, Consultant Dermatologist, Salford Royal NHS FT

10.30-11.00 am          

Allowing postgraduate medical trainees to be the doctors that they are supposed to be

Dr Claire Evans, Consultant Pathologist, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow, Associate Postgraduate Dean NES National Diagnostics Specialties

This talk covers progressive autonomous practice for postgraduate medical trainees and specifically progressive independent reporting for Histopathology trainees. The talk covers how independent reporting fits into the 2021 curriculum requirements, where to find information and some information on implementation. The learning objectives are:

  • Increased familiarity with aspects of the 2021 Histopathology Curriculum
  • Identification of Capabilities in practice relevant to independent reporting
  • Awareness of professional boundaries

11.00-11.30 am         

Excellence by Design – implications for curricula in Pathology specialties

Professor Ronan McMullan, Consultant Microbiologist, Belfast Health & Social Care Trust; Professor at Queen’s University, Belfast

This talk will provide an overview of how medical curricula, particularly in pathology specialties, have been updated to meet the requirements of ‘Excellence by Design’, as set out by the GMC. The learning objectives for participants are:

  • To understand the rationale underpinning curricula focused on high level learning outcomes
  • To analyse on how this impacts on Educational Supervisors and other educators with responsibility for specialty trainees
  • To apply the new curricula to assessing trainees level of capability

11.30-12.00 pm         


12.00-12.45 pm           

Audit, Quality Improvement or Case Presentations:

  • Dr Radhika Sudhir - Acne Agminata: A case study
  • Dr Aeman Khalid - Facial Granulomatous Pyoderma gangrenosum: an uncommon and often missed differential of cutaneous suppurative granulomata
  • Dr Anna Uzzell - Think outside the breast! An uncommon presentation of lupus mastitis

12.45–1.45 pm          

LUNCH (not provided)

Afternoon Session:

Chaired by Dr Philip Unsworth & TBC

1.45-2.15 pm              

Embedding sustainability into clinical laboratory practice and the patient pathway

Dr Sheri Scott, Senior Lecturer and course leader for the IBMS accredited BSc Applied Biomedical Science, Nottingham Trent University

Sustainability is the balance between the environment, equity, and economy. It is well documented that our changing climate is leading to more frequent extreme weather events and implications for public health. As healthcare professionals, we have a responsibility to promote actions to support good health and therefore we recognise that there is a need for change in the way we practice to reduce any negative environmental actions.

As a profession we need to take action to move towards a more sustainable future. This presentation looks at what processes and practices in the healthcare laboratory can be adapted to reduce the carbon footprint. It explores where there are areas for improvement and what we can do in both our personal and professional lives to work collaboratively with our healthcare colleagues to embed sustainability into our practice and improve the carbon footprint of the patient pathway.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the relationship between the climate emergency and public health
  • Understand sustainability and the concepts of SusQI in relation to Healthcare Science, the clinical laboratory and the patient pathway.
  • Gain knowledge of case examples of embedding sustainability into laboratory and POCT practice

2.15-2.45 pm              

What’s new in Clinical Biochemistry
Professor Anne-Marie Kelly, Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Manchester University NHS FT and Honorary Chair (Medical Education) University of Manchester

Talk Synopsis:

  • Recent changes in lipid management
  • Changes in methodology in routine biochemistry including the use of mass spectrometry
  • Quality assurance of interpretative comments

2.45-3.15 pm 

Attracting interest in pathology training & support from The Pathological Society

Dr Clare McGenity, ST3 registrar in Histopathology, Leeds & Miss Jane Ganeshalingam, MBPhD student at UCL

Dr Clare McGenity and Jane Ganeshalingam will explore how pathologists can attract interest in histopathology training from students and junior doctors. They will discuss histopathology recruitment in the UK and will review their own experiences as a trainee and medical student respectively in discovering pathology. As representatives of The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, they will highlight the many supportive initiatives available to students and trainees, especially to those with an interest in histopathology research.  

3.15-3.45 pm              

Coffee break

3.45-4.15 pm              

NHSE Pathology transformation programme

Jane Mills, National Head of Pathology Transformation, NHS England

4.15-4.45 pm              

Patient involvement: win, win, win

Mrs Vivienne Parry OBE is a science writer and broadcaster

Learning objectives:

  • Patient engagement and patient involvement are complementary but different activities
  • Patient involvement is no longer thought of as a nice to have, but should be considered as an essential part of clinical research and its development, even in traditionally non patient facing clinical specialties
  • Research translation is much more likely if patients have been involved

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